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Conference center
Our services include organization and administration of conferences, seminars and exhibitions, as well as presentations and briefings.
Our conferences:
- 7th International Colloquium on Pulsed and Continuous Detonations (ICPCD 2010)
October 4-8, 2010, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Atmosphere, Ionosphere, Safety (AIS-2010)
June 21, 2010 – June 27, 2010, Kaliningrad, Russia
- 2nd Moscow International Conference «Molecular Phylogenetics MolPhy-2»
May 18-21, 2010, Moscow, Russia
- 10th International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurements, and Visualization (FLUCOME 10)
August 17-21, 2009, Moscow, Russia
- Sixth international colloquium on pulsed and continuous detonations (ICPCD 2008)
November 10-12, 2008, Moscow, Russia
- Seventh International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention, and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions (ISHPMIE 2008)
July 7-11, 2008, St. Petersburg, Russia
- Fifth international colloquium on pulsed and continuous detonations (ICPCD 2006)
July 3-7, 2006, Moscow, Russia
- International colloquium on application of detonation for propulsion (ICADP 2004)
July 6-9, 2004, St. Petersburg, Russia
- International colloquium on advances in confined detonations
July 2-5, 2001, Moscow, Russia
- International colloquium on control of detonation processes
July 4-7, 2000, Moscow, Russia
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